
Why Michael Sartain’s MOA Mentoring Men of Action Course is a Must-Try: My Honest Review

In a world full of self-improvement courses, finding one that truly delivers can be overwhelming. If you’ve stumbled upon Michael Sartain’s MOA Mentoring Men of Action course and are wondering if it’s worth it, you’re in the right place.

I’ve taken the course myself, and in this post, I’ll share my honest thoughts, experiences, and whether it’s something you should invest your time in.

What is the MOA Mentoring Men of Action Course?

Michael Sartain’s MOA course is a comprehensive program designed to help men develop the mindset and skills needed to become more assertive, confident, and action-oriented.

It’s about transforming not just your professional life, but your personal life as well. Whether you’re looking to boost your career, improve your relationships, or simply become a better version of yourself, the MOA course offers tools and strategies to get you there.

Why I Decided to Try the MOA Course

Before enrolling in the MOA course, I was looking for something more than just another self-help book or motivational video. I wanted a program that offered real, actionable advice that I could implement immediately.

The MOA course stood out to me because of its promise to deliver practical results. I was ready for a change, and this course seemed like the perfect opportunity to make that happen.

The Course Breakdown: What You Can Expect

The MOA course is broken down into several modules, each focusing on a specific area of personal development:

  • Goal Setting: Learn how to set realistic and achievable goals that align with your personal and professional aspirations.
  • Time Management: Master techniques to manage your time effectively, ensuring you’re always working towards your goals.
  • Communication Skills: Develop the ability to communicate more clearly and assertively, whether in the workplace or in your personal life.
  • Leadership: Learn how to take charge and inspire others, becoming a leader in both your professional and personal circles.

My Experience: The Good and the Challenging

The Good:

  • Immediate Confidence Boost: One of the first things I noticed after starting the course was a significant increase in my confidence. The strategies taught in the course helped me to tackle challenges head-on, rather than shying away from them.
  • Practical Decision-Making Skills: The course offers valuable insights into making decisions quickly and effectively, which has been a game-changer for me in both my personal and professional life.
  • Improved Communication: The communication skills module was particularly impactful. I found myself better able to express my thoughts and needs clearly and confidently.
  • Leadership Development: The leadership lessons were eye-opening. I began to see myself not just as a participant in life but as someone who could lead and inspire others.

The Challenging:

  • Time-Intensive: While the course is incredibly valuable, it does require a significant time commitment. If you’re not fully committed, you might find it difficult to keep up with the pace.
  • No One-Size-Fits-All Solution: As with any course, some parts resonated with me more than others. It’s important to approach it with an open mind and be ready to adapt the teachings to your unique situation.


If you’re serious about making real changes in your life, Michael Sartain’s MOA Mentoring Men of Action course is definitely worth considering. It’s not just about learning new concepts; it’s about putting those concepts into action and seeing real results.

Whether you’re looking to boost your confidence, improve your communication skills, or step up as a leader, this course provides the tools you need to make it happen.

In conclusion, the MOA course has had a profound impact on my life, and I believe it can do the same for you. If you’re ready to take your personal and professional life to the next level, this course could be exactly what you’ve been searching for.

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